Tuesday, September 29, 2009
A Solution to Your Problems: Clear the Chatter and the Static
All we need to do is to attune ourselves to the correct frequency which is that of our divinity.
It is important to clear the static called runaway thoughts, judgment and living in the past or future.
When we are attuned to the frequency of the Divine Presence, we live in the moment, we feel good and what we see with our eyes is not the ultimate truth.
It is essential to implement daily spiritual practices that help keep our minds clear and our beingness steeped in truth. For when we are clear magic abounds, our trust in the Divine increases and we live fully supported by the God/The Great Mother who most certainly can do a better job than any other being including our limited ego self.
Attune your inner radio to the station called the Divine.
Monday, September 21, 2009
Humility: A Spiritual Superpower
When I was a girl I watched superheros on television. It was neat seeing all of them do superhuman feats.
Being the typical child in my mind I had superpowers, too. They were only played out in my mind, though. I never quite figured out how to make them manifest in my life.
As I journey deeper down my spiritual path, I am realizing that I truly have superpowers one of which is humility.
Humility is lowering the ego constructs. Humility is realizing that the personality is but a small part of self, the least of one's identity.
Humility allows me to align myself with the greater power, the greater force, the Divine. I am able to understand my expanded self rather than limiting my consciousness to that of the physical plane.
It is through lowering my ego self that God/The Great Mother can do mighty works. There is very little the Divine can do through me when my ego is what is most important.
There is much good that shall flow through me when my ego is low. Humility is how the force is with me. It is truly one of my superpowers.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
Go To The Woods
"If you don't go out in the woods, nothing will ever happen and your life will never begin." ~C. P. Estes
This quote stood out for me today because it reflects a theme for my life.
For so long I have played it safe. I have set goals that were definitely achievable and fail safe.
For so long failure has not been an option because it seems that when we fail we are judged, given an "F" and possibly even disliked.
At least this is a belief that my inner girl adopted a long time ago.
Here lately I have decided to stretch myself beyond my previously believed limits.
I have decided that to play it safe means to miss out on life in some way.
I have decided that life happens in the mystery, the magic, the unknown and that though stability is nice, it can lead to stagnation if I am not careful.
What I have done is gone to the woods. Life is beginning again for me and it is scary, nice and exhilarating all at the same time.
In a way coming into the physical plane of existence is being in the woods. We are here so we may as well maximize our living it while we are here.
Take a chance! You just may succeed after all!
Still in the Woods,
Tirra-OlufemiMonday, September 14, 2009
Mundane vs. Magic: Which one are you choosing?
It seems that so many of us are numb to the greatness of The Divine.
We get lost in our mundane world of work, raising family, social networking sites, relationships, neighbors, political causes...and forget that there is a magical and mysterious world that is going on all the time for our own pleasure.
Take some to time today to see that there is so much more going on than we realize.
Open your senses to take in more of the breeze, the trees, the flowers, the air, the buses. Isn't it wonderful to see children playing with smiles on their faces?
How neat is it to see people living their passion.
Get excited about life by taking time to stop and take in the wonder and glory of ALL of Creation.
Basking in the Magic and Mystery,
Sunday, September 13, 2009
So WHY are you worried?
So why are you worried?
My new understanding of these wise words is that no matter what I do The Universe is Beneficent, Benevolent and always conspiring in my favor.
If this is the truth on which I stand, then there is no need to worry.
"I trust life. No matter what I see with my physical eyes, I am certain that in the end I win."
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Fasting Journal: I give up.
September 10, 2009
Well, this fasting season, this season of release has left me in Oya's sweet space of surrender. I am so over all of the voices in my head that tell me how badly things are going to turn out. I am over trying to MAKE anything happen.
I have no judgment of my life as good or bad. I have released myself from the need to make others happy.
I have fallen in this place: I am who I am. Like me or not because the only opinion of me that matters is my own. Period.
I am here also: So what? I give up. If Divine law is truth then let it be so. All I can do is go with that and do my part which is follow the freakin' yellow brick road called my Ori, Higher Self, Ganesha, Ausar, Holy Spirit.
I don't feel numb; I feel present. I just feel. When negative thoughts and emotions arise I shrug my shoulders and say, "So what." and I go back to the task at hand.
Surrender. Truly I give up. I look for the miracles but if they don't come, so what. It is all good either way.
I stand at the door called spiritual death. Take me or leave me. YOu know when you are there it really doesn't matter. At death what can you do but relax into it?
Can't even begin to say what all of this means. Just writing as a spiritual aspirant on my way to a more enlightened me.
I write humbly just as I am. If you get something from this, then it is worth sharing. Otherwise, please excuse this spiritual self-talk.
In Surrender
Fasting Journal: Don't Fight the Emotions....Get to the Now-Moment
September 6, 2009
I hope that during this fast when you feel the emotions rise that you let them come and then release them. I have been more cry-y lately and am a bit shocked. When I allow myself to be aware, I think, "Oh, something is needing to come out of me." So I get relaxed about the emotions, stop thinking that something is wrong and I release them.
No matter what you feel don't stuff it. Find a way to release it. Do you need to address something awful that your mother said to you? Are you angry because you think your daddy was no good. Are you mad because your child died to soon? Do you have unforgiveness in you because of your spouse?
What in the world are you so mad about? Why are you in despair? Sometimes if we don't ask the question then we just stay where we are. You have to ask the question in order to even get things moving.
But in a fast situation it is not all the time bliss. Sometimes it is a big detox. YOur body hurts. Your mind becomes foggy. Your emotions become amplified.
WHY? Because we decided to step up our game to do the work in order to get to our enlightenment, our buddhahood, our christ consciousness, our nirvana, our hetep.
So be present with it all. It is the now-moment experience that allows us to choose moment by moment how we feel, think and live.
Let the emotions come. It is all good!
Fasting Journal: I am lazy and a whiner. Is this REALLY the legacy I want to leave?
September 5, 2009
I awoke this morning and prepared to teach my water aerobics class. I was just a huffing and a puffing thinking about having to go and teach class and thinking about all that I have to do. I was getting lost in my thoughts about having to clean the house when I heard: "What is the legacy of your Ancestors?"
I thought about it. Well, many of them had no nicely air conditioned home with running water. They had to walk to where they wanted to go and did so joyfully... unlike me who was getting ready to get in my car and drive to my job.
And the women...housework...what? There is no question. You do it and because that what you do. No need to whine and complain.
So I realized something about myself that I have known for a while: I am LAZY! I am a WHINER! I miss how blessed I am because this lifestyle is the only reality that I have known.
YIKES! I then shifted my energy, gave thanks for this fast and joyfully went and taught my class.
I have missed the legacy of my Ancestors to a certain extent because of the luxury of modern day conveniences. It is my work ethic that needs addressing in my life.
Can I and do I work hard? Sure. However, I know that I take for granted this easy life that I live. I take for granted that so many of my Ancestors and people around the world have NOTHING compared to my material acquisitions.
I am in a place where I am raising myself out of my numbness to a place where I see the vibrancy of the world and realize that I am called to make a difference in my own way.
I am feeling that there is no way in the world I can allow Those souls who incarnated before me to have done all that they did, whether they did a good job or not, and me not pick up their legacy and run with it.
There is a shift taking place in my consciousness. I feel the energy of the Enlightened Ancestors flowing through my consciousness. It makes me stand taller and feel that much more enlightened.
If it be that we need to transform a legacy of pain. Then let it be so. If it be that we come to pick up the legacy of greatness, then let it be so.
The bottom line is that we need to make a choice. There is a legacy. What are you going to do with it? Those who are down the line from you are looking to you to ease the way for them. They say, "help us to see the legacy more easily. please do what you need to do. That way we live our purpose without getting lost in the lie of the physical world first."
Fasting Journal: Let's Go Ahead and Deliver this Baby!
I don't know why I do these fasts anymore. It is just like with pregnancy for so many women. We get pregnant with all that goes with that, have the baby... the labor pains are kickass, the late nights are exhausting and the come back from a pregnant body is no joke.
Then the baby gets bigger and what? We start to forget pregnancy and the early days. As the baby gets older we start feeling the urge to have another baby.
So many of us will get pregnant again, we will even be excited, until we start feeling morning sickness and feel those labor pains and go back to the early days of caring for a little baby.
I have heard women say time and time again: "What in the heck was I thinking? I totally forgot about all of this. All I could think about was getting a new little baby and forgot about how hard it is to start all over."
That is me and fasting. I fast four times a year and at each interval, I am excited about fasting. But then the detox starts. And I say, "Why in the world am I doing this? This is hard!"
That is where I stand this morning. These fasts are where I take away my quarterly crutches so that I can keep my relationship with my Self and Divine balanced, clear and first and foremost in my life.
Soooooo...the tears flow, the emotions rise, the wrong thinking and mindset become very evident to me.
BUT...I am knowing, like every mother knows, that it is all worth it in the end. My baby at the end of the fast is that I am just that much more open spiritually and more on point.
I am becoming more and more clear that the more I keep my consciousness set on things above and not things below, the more that I seek enlightenment, spiritual liberation and self-realization, the happier I am, the less I am moved by the world and I am able to truly maximize my gift called life in the physical plane.
So fasting is worth it. Detoxing is worth it. All of the removal of the crap that keeps me weighted down in the lie that I have told myself for so long...it is so freakin' worth it.
I wish you a great fast. May you see the prize that awaits you in the end in order to stay in this fasting game.
Peace and Love
Tirra-OlufemiJack Canfield: Create Your Attitude
I choose to be a reverse paranoid. I choose to see the opportunity instead of the obstacle.
Yoga Sun Salutations - Dancing Warrior
I use the Dancing Warrior to keep my inner warrior in balance.
Cherokee Morning Song (A beautiful Native American song)
Mo dupe Ori Egun, ase. I give thanks for the Wisdom of the Ancestors.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Enlightenment Message from Dr. Michael Beckwith, Visionary
SO POWERFUL! I don't even have words!
Be in peace
Friday, September 4, 2009
Fall Equinox Fast Invitation
The Fall Fast is September 3-22, 2009
Insights to Consider at This Time: What Legacy Are You on Tap to Leave? It Is Your Choice!
"We did not come to play, to dream, to drift. We have hard work to do and loads to lift. Shun not the struggle 'tis God's gift. Be strong."~Benjamin E. Mays
This is what the Ancestors speak to during this fast. They speak to the fact that we are here with a purpose; we are here to leave legacy.
It is so interesting how we get so lost in others' lives. We watch documentaries on their lives. We read about them in entertainment magazines. We even join fan clubs, groups and conferences surrounding these popular figures.
But what about our own lives? When we die what will be said about us? What legacy are we leaving for those who come after us?....Read the rest of this Fall Equinox Fast Reading here.
No matter how you do it, this equinox is a time to shed the old, to feel the winds of change upon you, to align yourself with the natural cycles of the Universe.
Happy Fasting, Happy Healing,
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
Forget about the Superstar, Just BE who you are!
Weekly Spiritual Reading
The Oracle Speaks to the Goddess-Body-Mind-Spirit.com Community
I have learned that this is what the ancient people of Egypt/Kemet said. What this means is that they understood that they were not their personality, they were not a role, they were not even a culture.
This meant that they understood that they were divinity, pure potentiality, consciousness.
Ausar is the part of ourselves that is not conditioned by the physical level of consciousness. It is the most expanded part of our differentiated self. One step beyond Ausar is the Divine Oneness.
A way to think of this is consider the Ocean. If we take a glass and scoop some of the water out of the ocean, it is is now ocean water in a glass.
This is The Divine and Us. We are parts of the Universal Consciousness individuated into seemingly separate beings.
Ausar is the first level of individuation. Ausar has no conditionings, no labels, no roles. Ausar just is. This is the place that we all strive to achieve.
One of my favorite scriptures from the Bible is,
I use this scripture to invoke remembrance that I have the same mind of God/The Great Mother within me. It is this Mind and only this Mind that I seek to connect with.
When I do so I begin to lose track of time and space. I am not limited by this physical level of consciousness.
I feel complete and utter peace at all times. The Divine is my source and my supply.
It is the Avatars and the Yogis who have achieved this level of beingness. The good news is that awareness of this state of consciousness is all of our destinies.
What happens for most of us is that our body distracts us, our environment does not support healthy ego development steeped in the truth of our identity.
For most of us "I AM..." is followed by a role, a condition, a wound or some dogma.
Can we just say, "I AM"? Period. That is what we are being called to do this week. Walk as I AM. We are being called to transcend our conditionings, labels and titles.
This is how I have heard it to say to us: Who are you beyond your Super-Star-Made-Up-Self? Who are you beyond the facade that you put up day in and day out to save face? When you take away all of the make up, the nice clothes and stand naked before the mirror, who are you really?
A wise traditional African priest once said to me:
I remember feeling like he knocked me out when he said it. But it is true. If you seek to only be who you are, therein lies the power that you have been searching for for years now.
May our children never forget who they are so they don't have to make the long trek back home. May all of us who have forgotten come back home to Self, I AM.
May we all just Be this week. Be Peace. It is who you are.
Affirm your Beingness with Power Affirmations. Click Here!
If you would like personal divination done by Tirra-Olufemi on your behalf, then click here for more information.
I remember the first reading Priestess Olufemi gave me. I was extremely anxious and in need of some serious spiritual guidance. She was very prompt, for one, in getting back to me with the reading, which that in itself was deeply meaningful for me, because it spoke of her integrity as a Diviner -that she respected my time and me as a person. Also, as always, when you speak with her, she is so full of love and earthiness, that you immediately feel " at home" and at-ease with her. Also, she told me some things that no one had told me before, and during our session, because she is such an "open sponge" for psychic energy, she also revealed other impressions that came up during that conversation. I instantly felt I had reconnected with a long lost friend, and every other reading she has given since has always been a reflection of my immediate needs at that time.
-Angel (Tennessee)