Friday, March 8, 2013

Stepping Into the True Self

"The least of your Real self is greater than 100% of your Superstar Made Up self." ~Baba Ishangi

As I ponder my journey into living my most authentic self this morning, Baba Ishangi's words come to my mind.  It is becoming more and more apparent to me that one of the most difficult parts of releasing the old and limited self so that  most authentic self can emerge is fear of lack of identity.

The question becomes, "If I release this self that I know, then who am I?"  And without knowing who the true self is, it is more comfortable to stay attached to the old.

Baba Ishangi's words give me peace and comfort.  All I have to do is stand on the truth that the LEAST of my real self is greater than 100% of the self that I currently live as.  Doing so gives me the courage to take the plunge and lose who I believe myself to be in order to experience my real self.

Ultimately, I have more to gain than lose by doing so.  If I stay where I am in my identity, then I will for sure lose....I already am in some regards.

It is my hope that this posts inspires others to take the plunge.  Sometimes it is better to just go full out and be who you really are instead of baby stepping your way to the real you.  It can be so confusing trying to be two identities.  Bury the old so that the TRUE YOU can become the predominant force acting in your your life.

Goddess Blessings be upon you!
Tirra Olufemi