Monday, December 26, 2022

Monday, November 23, 2020

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

#ProjectMe: I am becoming a new person through working out

#ProjectMe Update: Up and at 'em this morning! Gonna get my workout on and then get ready to get back to teaching my Zumba and African dance classes. I am pondering the change that is happening in my mind more so than in my body now. I feel like I am becoming a new person. I often tell people that we have to become new to get the thing that we desire but don't yet possess. We have to energetically align ourselves with the goal that we are going for before we will manifest it. My mind is pushing out the stinkin' thinkin' (yes!!! I struggle with stinkin' thinkin' and embracing the truth of my value and focusing on what is most important in my life. In order for me to continue to make progress, it is becoming largely letting gold of the old, outdated and negative and stepping forward into the new, the positive, the truth. WHEW! I am really just not processing this. Wishing you a great day of workouts. I am about to get hammered and am excited about it! I am doing The Master's HammerandChisel Max Hammer Strength in TBB's Super Gym. Join me! Go to

Sunday, October 18, 2015

Interesting moment of learning and confirmation

INTERESTING....Today I went to the Native American Powwow at Long Hunter State Park. I was sitting and chatting at a table with my friends when this old man, no top teeth, sort of scruffy looking sits down at the table. We don't think too much until he jumps in our conversation. He didn't talk to loudly so at first we are sort of inadvertently giving the stank face like, "What is he doing getting in our conversation?" but then realized that what he was saying was actually wisdom. He does this a few times and we just say, "Yes, sir. You are right," and continue on with our conversation. He finally looks at me and says something about how if you want to manifest something you have to have absolute belief and faith. I was like, YEP! He was on point. He mentions other dimensions and speaks of going beyond the seen to manifest the unseen and my friends and I are actually impressed at this point. He then gets up from the table and walks directly to me, puts his hand on my shoulder and says, "Be who you are supposed to be." My friends said that he threw up his hand sort of like, "Mic drops" or "nuff said". lol I was floored because I struggle so much with honoring the truest truth of who I am. I just couldn't believe that this man who could have spoken to any of us at the table zoned in on me. I feel so fortunate and affirmed.