Monday, September 21, 2009

Humility: A Spiritual Superpower

When I was a girl I watched superheros on television. It was neat seeing all of them do superhuman feats.

Being the typical child in my mind I had superpowers, too. They were only played out in my mind, though. I never quite figured out how to make them manifest in my life.

As I journey deeper down my spiritual path, I am realizing that I truly have superpowers one of which is humility.

Humility is lowering the ego constructs. Humility is realizing that the personality is but a small part of self, the least of one's identity.

Humility allows me to align myself with the greater power, the greater force, the Divine. I am able to understand my expanded self rather than limiting my consciousness to that of the physical plane.

It is through lowering my ego self that God/The Great Mother can do mighty works. There is very little the Divine can do through me when my ego is what is most important.

There is much good that shall flow through me when my ego is low. Humility is how the force is with me. It is truly one of my superpowers.


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