Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Self-Love: The most important relationship is with your HEAD!

One of the most profound rituals that I learned from my studies of ancient African Traditional Spirituality is the Head Blessing.

First, what is the Head? In Ifa, a spiritual system born out of the Yoruba in Nigeria, the spiritual head of a person is called the Ori. It is the part of us that stays in constant communication with the Higher Universal Divine Wisdom.

Our Ori is considered our own personal deity. It is the part of ourselves that sees the biggest picture of us and of reality.

Ori is that voice inside of us that so many of us say this about, "Something told me to not go down that street. I am glad that I listened because there was bad
news down that street."

As time has passed I have come to understand how other spiritual systems describe Ori. The Christians call it the Holy Spirit. It is Ganesha in the Vedic tradition and Ausar in the spiritual system out of Egypt Kemet. When all else fails just call this part of our selves the Higher Self.

Ifa teaches that it is important to keep our awareness of and line of communication open with our Ori, which has a vested interest in us succeeding.

A way to keep the connection strong between the more limited physical level of our selves and the Ori is to bless it.

Read the rest of the article here:

Realizing My Self,

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