Monday, August 17, 2009

Weekly Oracle Reading:

Week of August 16-22, 2009

Sebek+, Amen+

KEYNOTES: Power, Belief system transformation,
Peace, Know who you are, Being vs. Doing, All is One

Do you know who you really are? Are you willing to release who
you have previously believed yourself to be in order to receive
full enlightenment, self-realization, to walk as the Avatar you
were born to be?

That is what we are called to ponder this week. There is power
in the thought because your thoughts stem from who you believe
you are.

If your understanding of yourself is limited, your thoughts
will be limited.

If your understanding of yourself is expanded, then your thoughts
will allow more possibilities into your consciousness.

What is important to understand is the quality of BEING creates
the most powerful thoughts. BEING is the "I AM" aspect of

Many of us define ourselves by our roles or by what we do. So
if we are asked, "Who are you?" then we begin to list our family
status, the work we do, the extracurricular activities in which
we participate.

How many of us would answer: DIVINITY INCARNATE? How many of
us have a goal in life to BE? This is what God/The Great Mother
is...Beingness, Presence, energy without form, the I AM in all.

So when our identity is steeped in our knowingness of ourselves
as divine, then life becomes an expression of divinity and its
qualities such as peace, love, harmony, joy, etc.

Sebek speaks to us again. This is often looked at as light
weight energy but in fact this is power house energy when
transforming our lives.

Who do you think you are? Now drop that and KNOW who you are.
It is so important to release conditionings. It is important to not
define your life by your conditions. Stop defining yourself according
to your family history, past experiences and especially according to
who the world says that you are.

Sebek yet again is calling us to question everything that we believe.

  • Why DO you believe what you believe?
  • Are you evolving because of your beliefs?
  • Are your beliefs leading you to a greater experience of love?

  • Are your beliefs causing you to walk in your life's purpose or to run from it?

The Ultimate of life is to KNOW who you. That is what Amen says. Amen
represents the Supreme Deity: God, The Goddess, The One, Source
Energy. Amen is The Oneness, the Unifying Principle inherent in all.

To know who you are is to understand your connection to the
Oneness. ALL IS ONE.

We are called to be the physical embodiment of this truth.
Amen says that your essential, your TRUE nature is PEACE. When
we are anything but peace then we are off our center.

This week be committed to peace. In the past when I
would get Amen readings for myself I would think..."Oh no!
It is going to be a rough week. I will find myself in chaotic
situations that require me to be peaceful."

But what this now means to me is to be so connected to the One,
to be so in the knowing of the Oneness in all things that I choose
peace because my only reality is that of the God/The Great Mother.

I see the Divine in ALL THINGS, PEOPLE, and SITUATIONS. So no
matter what I see with my physical eyes, I maintain my peace
because I KNOW that all is ONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Consequently walking in the truth of who you are is consciously
knowing and living within the Greater Universal Pattern of Source

And when we do this then the affirmation "I live in a Beneficent
and Benevolent Universe always conspiring in my favor,"
becomes our reality.

We literally will have a consciousness shift that will no longer
allow us to live in lack and limitation.

We can use the laser beam focus, the detail oriented gifts of
Sebek within to add the final touches on master creations called our lives..

Here are suggestions for assisting you with maximizing the power
of this reading:
  • Work with the energy of Mercury, Sebek, Eshu/Elegba, Rapha-El. If all you do is learn more about this energy then that will assist you with better understanding how to apply it within you.

  • In all situations choose peace. You just have to make the decision to do so. It may not come easily. It may seem like life is crumbling around you but don't let it fool you. This is a Benevolent and Beneficent Universe always conspiring in your favor. You can't fail in deciding to align yourself with the ULTIMATE SOURCE OF ALL by choosing to BE PEACE.

  • Wear white. Connect with the energy of Obtala/Ausar/Saraswati/Metatron/Tara.

  • Release attachments. There is nothing more important than your relationship with you and the Divine. Let anything go that is preventing you from having a full connection to your source."

  • Question everything that you believe.There is little to no need for belief when you walk in the truth and certainty called ALL IS ONE.

  • Go to the mountains. If you cannot go to a physical mountain then go to the mountain, the higher level,in your consciousness and your mind.

  • Remember that your mind is a tool. It is not who you are. You are various levels of consciousness. Therefore just because you think a certain thought doesn't mean anything. Thoughts will rise and fall like the ocean. Don't entertain thoughts that limit you. Simply allow them to fall back down into the ocean of your mind. Grab thoughts that lead you to an expanded and greater version of yourself.

  • If you don't do anything else this week do this: BE QUIET! Most of us engage in TMI: too much information. Too much information from the internet, e-mail, cell-phones, text messages, tv, radio, friends, family, etc....

Amen says BE QUIET!!!! spend time in quiet so that you can hear
the voice of God/The Great Mother within you.

May this reading assist you on your path toward Enlightenment.

Being Love,



Power Quote for a Powerful Week!

"I believe that you are great, that there is
something magnificent about you. Regardless of
what has happened to you in your life...regardless of how young
or how old you think you think you might be. The moment you
begin to think properly, the something that is within
you, this Power that is within you that is greater than the
world- it will begin to emerge. It will take over your life.
It will feed you. It will clothe you. It will guide you,
protect you, direct you, sustain your very existence...
IF YOU LET IT. Now that is what I
know for sure." Rev. Dr. Michael Beckwith

Affirm your power with Power Affirmations. Click Here!

If you would like personal divination done by Tirra-Olufemi on your behalf, then click here for more information.

Tirra-Olufemi is a gifted intuitive who is well trained in the art of divination. Asking the oracle about the quality of each reading that she has given speaks volume of her humility and maturity. You will not be disappointed!


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