Thursday, August 20, 2009

UPDATE: Addendum to Your Weekly Reading...Wisdom of the Oracle


August 20, 2009

This week has been very challenging for me. Amen says get sleep. But what have I done? Gone to bed late and gotten up early everyday. So I have not been optimal in my body and my mind.

I have also been experiencing mood swings that are crazy. One moment I am high and the next I am searching for a ray of light in all of my darkness.

I have been taken back to negative emotions that used to be my normal way but have been dissolved as I have grown in my spiritual awareness and consciousness.

I have felt fear, jealously, lack, anger.

Last night I was lying down seeking to give myself a break. I tuned into my body and mind to see what was really going on with all of my emotion and negative feelings.

I realized that I was in a place that I have been before. It is called release and transformation.

Each time I get ready to step into a new phase of enlightenment and self-realization, I go through a period of feeling like I am having a nervous breakdown. I feel like crap. All of my insecurities resurface.

I have learned to surrender in those moments. The way I like to describe it is through the transition phase when a woman gives birth to her baby.

The first part of labor is all about getting the door open to get the baby out. These contractions are specific to this first stage of labor.

The second stage of labor is all about the baby coming through the door. These contractions are totally different from the first stage contractions.

In order for the woman's body to move from first stage labor to second stage, a major energetic push occurs. It is called transition. For most it is the craziest part of labor.

This is a time when the mother feels most out of sorts. It is like nothing that I have ever experienced but let's just say it feels like a roller coaster ride. One second she is hot, the next cold. She may vomit. Literally it feels like chaos on the inside of you.

The good news is that this is the shortest part of labor and it gets us to the prize: THE BABY COMES OUT!

This is what occurs in our spiritual journey called life. We transition from one way of knowing ourselves to a more expanded view.

In order to grow bigger in our awareness of ourselves, we must go through transition. We must go through a time of feeling like we are losing everything. The spiritual quality that is key here is SURRENDER.

If we surrender to the process, if we release the old in order to step into the new, then we are able to do so more easily and with grace and ease.

It is when we hold onto the old while at the same time our soul is seeking to release it that we have a harder time.

My point to all of you is that we are in the phase of the moon where we are moving from the old to the new.

We just ended the waning moon phase, the time when we do releasing work, and are now at the new moon today where we set intentions to make manifest our dreams and desires.

I encourage us all to allow the release of the old in order to create more good in the new.

I encourage us all to not judge our process as bad or good. Just be with it and stay aware. Seek peace in all things and be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Peace and Transformation,


View entire reading here:

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