“There’s no feeling quite like it - seeing or
holding your baby for the very first time. A baby will light up a room, a
house, your heart! Mediums say that when they connect with the souls of
babies their entire bodies seems to radiate love
- unconditional love. I was sharing these thoughts with a friend today
whose wife recently gave birth to a baby girl. And I was telling him
that as we go through life, so many of us seem to lose the spiritual
power and awareness we once had as babies. And it’s such a shame.
Little by little, society steals so much of your power away, or makes
you feel like you never had power to begin with. Others give their power
away every day without realizing it. Are you even aware of your power?
And where is the self-confidence and self-awareness you once had? The
inner peace and power you came to earth with is still there, buried
under all that doubt. Be still and allow yourself to reconnect with it.
Be bold and reclaim that spiritual power. It’s yours. You just need to
remember it."
James Weeks/ Across The King’s River
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