Thursday, March 13, 2014

Grateful for the experience of Spiritual Awareness

This morning as I was praying, I said that I was grateful for this experience of spiritual awareness.  I am not sure that I have ever said that or felt it in such a major way but those words and that feeling stood out to me.

I think that awareness is super valuable to me these days for it is awareness that allows me to access power and tools that are there but that I may not see at first.  Awareness allows me to stay hopeful and optimistic because what I see is not the only thing that is there.  All I ever have to do in times of trouble is wait to be aware of the solution and it will present itself.

I have felt lost at times in my life.  These feelings of being lost were due to lack of awareness of the truth.  The truth is that we are powerful beyond measure and that there is no limit to what we can experience in life. The truth is that we are limitless beings who can conjure whatever they desire in their lives.  The truth is that we live according to divine laws and principles that when used, create a life that is full of adventure, good quality and purpose.  Awareness is KEY living these truths.

So if I had only to choose a few tools for living a happier life, Spiritual Awareness would be one of the first that I would choose.  Awareness is foundational to moving beyond limits and challenges as well as to experiencing all that one wants in her life.

Again, I give thanks for Spiritual Awareness as it keeps me in a state of experiencing the unfolding of limitlessness.

Tirra Olufemi

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