Sunday, August 25, 2013

Mother Musings of a Goddess: My work as mother is becoming more important

I homeschool my children and have done so since both of them started "school".  Early on I didn't know what I was doing as I did not come from a home where we were homeschooled.  All I knew was that I wanted children who loved to learn, could read, write and do math.

This morning I started pondering the start of our school year.  I still have the same focus but in some regards, I see things with greater clarity because my children are revealing to me more of who they are in terms of their interests and talents. So, yes, I do want my children to be successful at developing skills that will allow them to learn or self-teach themselves anything.  I do want them to be able to take and standardized test that they choose to take and excel at it.  But more than anything, I want to find opportunities for them that will give them experiences that they remember for a life time. 

I am the type of mother who looks at all offerings in my community.  I try to not limit my children's experiences for any reason and this is because I really don't know what the future holds and so why not expose them to everything.

This morning I have been pondering our newly launched homeschooling year and this is what has come to mind:  Finding opportunities for my kids is one of my main goals as a homeschooling mother.  I look forward to seeing what I find.

Tirra Olufemi Hargrow

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