Tuesday, June 4, 2013

P90X Day 1

I started the P90X program yesterday.  I have to say that I was way more excited than I anticipated.  First of all, there are a few friends who are doing P90X also and we all started yesterday.  Craig started with us, too.  My first workout was Kenpo X.  It is a great workout.  From the perspective of a fitness instructor, it is a perfect workout.  So many fitness elements and any body can do this workout.  I am VERY PLEASED with P90X so far.

I also am following the meal plan for P90X.  As much as I hate having to spend so much time thinking about what I eat, I actually love it.  I need structure in my health and wellness and especially when it comes to food.  I just don't care enough about myself to make healthy meals so I sort of snack all day.  I don't necessarily pig out but I can't really say how much I eat because I don't keep up with what I am eating.

The meal plans in P90X are giving me the structure that I need.  I used the Meal Portion plan so I keep up with how many different categories of food to eat.  For instance, I need 7 proteins and the meal guide even gives suggestions for proteins for me to eat.  I eat sort of healthy already but being a little more rigid in my eating in only one day and I already feel better.

I guess I can say that despite feeling burdened with having to think about what to eat so much, I am happy to finally have some structure in my eating.

Today is Day 2: Stretch.  I had to set my calendar up so that my lightest P90X day coincides with my off day from teaching Zumba so that my body can recover.  I look forward to stretch. 

Looking forward to seeing results in 90 day!

~Tirra, Zumbeasta (Zumba + Beast), Wellness Inspiration Coach

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