Thursday, October 18, 2012

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Being a Conscious Mother is not alwasy easy

I often struggle with what I am really supposed to do as a mother.  I trust the ORI, the higher wisdom, within each child to lead that child to their highest and greatest good, with or without me actually.  However, I do feel as a mother that sometimes I can see what my children's Ori's are calling for but they don't. 

I feel like I sometimes make them do things that I think are in their best interest even when they say NO to it.  Sometimes I think I see it but it may be too soon and that is why they say no.  But often times, what I make them do becomes the foundation for something later.

I just feel conflicted because I believe  so deeply in the law of attraction but by the same token, what do I do when I feel that I really should make my kids do certain things because I can see beyond what they can see.

Right now the issue is homeschooling.  My older son hates robotics but I see it as an opportunity for him.  It is not that he even really hates robotics, he just hates that it is at the same time as tumbling and capoeira at times.

*sigh*  I will stick with my plan for now.  He is staying robotics.  MANY times we have been here and he always says that he sees that I was right for making him stick with certain things.

Praying that I am right this time.

Tirra Olufemi